01-02-1990 / CYCLE #198

You find yourself in Level 0, the first level of the Backrooms. The non-linear space resembles the backrooms of a retail outlet, filled with infinite rooms, hallways, and staircases. The walls are covered in a mono-yellow wallpaper, the carpet is damp under your feet, and the ceiling is decorated with flickering office lights. You see electrical outlets, security cameras, and mold growing on some of the walls.
You hear strange noises and voices, but you can't tell if they're real or just auditory hallucinations. You're on edge, unsure if you're alone or if there are entities lurking in the darkness. The Shadow Man is rumored to be found on Level 0, but you haven't seen any sign of him yet.
As you continue to explore the Halls, you can't shake the feeling of being watched. You can hear whispers and footsteps in the distance, but when you turn to investigate, there's nothing there. The constant hum of the flickering lights is starting to get to you, making you feel uneasy and on edge.
You come across an old abandoned outpost and decide to search for supplies. As you rummage through the dusty shelves, you can't help but wonder how long it's been since anyone was here. You find a few cans of food and some water bottles, but you know it's not enough to last long.
You see something moving in the distance and freeze. You can't tell if it's an entity or just your imagination playing tricks on you. You debate turning back, but you know you can't stay here. You have to keep moving and find an exit to Level 1. You take a deep breath and continue forward, cautiously approaching the dark figure. As you get closer, you realize it's just a shadow being cast from a floor lamp, but the fear is still coursing through your veins. You can't shake the feeling that something is watching you, waiting to strike. You need to find an exit soon.
As you continue to explore Level 0, you can't help but feel like you're going in circles. The non-linear space is disorienting and it's easy to get lost. You try to mark your path, but the mono-yellow walls all look the same. You come across rooms that look familiar, but you know you've never been here before.
You come across an old vending machine and decide to see if it still works. You insert a few coins and press the button for a candy bar, but nothing happens. You shake the machine and try again, but still nothing. You're starting to get frustrated and hungry. You wonder how long it's been since anyone has been here and if there's any food left.
You come across a sub-level called the Remodeled Mess and decide to avoid it. You've heard stories of entities and dangerous traps lurking within. You stick to the safer areas of Level 0, but you know you can't stay here forever. You need to find an exit to Level 1 and continue your journey through the Backrooms.
As you explore, you come across old abandoned outposts and equipment. You see desks, computers, and strange machinery locked behind heavy metal doors. You wonder who used to work here and what their purpose was. You come across old documents and files, but most of them are destroyed or unreadable. You feel like you're piecing together a puzzle, but you're missing most of the pieces. You continue your search for answers, hoping to find a way out of this endless maze.
Welcome to The Backrooms.
To be continued...