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'The Habitable Zone'

Safety Rating
8 / 10

Entity Count



Level 1 is the second level of the Backrooms.


Level 1 is a massive sprawling warehouse with concrete floors and walls, exposed rebar, dim fluorescent lights on the walls, and a low-hanging fog with no discernable source. The fog often condenses, forming puddles on the floor. The level is vast and expansive possessing; staircases, elevators, isolated rooms, and hallways. Unlike Level 0, this Level possesses a consistent supply of water and electricity, which allows indefinite habitation by wanderers providing that appropriate precautions are taken.


The light fixtures within Level 1 are prone to flicker and fail at inconsistent intervals. In some areas the fluorescent lights are off, leaving entire areas in permanent darkness. Hostile entities often coalesce in these areas, avoiding areas that are lit. If the lights turn off, avoid any strange noises and try and look for a source of light to head towards.

Crates of supplies appear and disappear randomly within the Level, often containing a mixture of vital items such as food, almond water, batteries, weaponry and medical supplies. Some crates will however contain nonsensical objects like assorted car parts, boxes of crayons, used syringes, partially burned paper, live mice, shoelaces, loose change or even bundles of human hair. The crates should be approached with caution due to their contents, but are a valuable resource. In addition, crude paintings and drawings with no apparent origin or meaning appear on the walls and floors.

Survival Recommendations

Level 1 is mostly safe due to the presence of communities and outposts that keep entity populations under control.


  • Avoid dark areas as they may be infested with entities.

  • An unlocked door may lead to Level 2.

  • Wandering down any extended hallway often leads to Level 2.

  • Known beings on Level 1 include Facelings, Hounds and Skin-Stealers.


M.E.G. (Major Explorer Group) Base Alpha:

  • This is the primary base of M.E.G.

  • The base is close to one of the entrances to Level 1.

  • Heavily guarded against threats such as entity attacks.

B.N.T.G. Trader's Keep:

  • Trader's Keep is a large city-like complex.

  • Possesses rudimentary societal infrastructure.

  • The main supply chain for wanderers.

  • Trader's Vault is set up in the 'Storage Hall' in Level 1.

Tom's Diner:

  • Run by Tom, a former chef before noclipping into The Backrooms.

  • Tom is an amiable and optimistic person, and his diner serves as a small social hub.

  • Has plentiful food.

The Raiders:

  • A mostly passive mafia-like organization.

  • Will shoot down members of certain groups.

  • Was inactive for years but reemerged recently.

  • Known to take over outposts to expand their territory and group.

  • Anarchist philosophy

Base Flickers (of the Backrooms Colonists):

  • A small base owned by the Backrooms Colonists.

  • Friendly and open to trade.

The New Biologists:

  • Small outpost

  • Secretive

  • The original Biologists group collapsed in a former cycle. This new group was formed by several former members recently.

  • Analyze and collect DNA samples from entities

  • Study entity behavior

Republic of Level 153 (Abandoned):

  • Former outpost of the Republic of Level 153.

  • Collapsed two cycles ago when the level shift event occurred, moving level 153 to an undocumented part of the Backrooms.

Guide Outpost #3 (Abandoned):

  • Former outpost of the now defunct group 'The Tourism Guide'.

Sanction (Abandoned):

  • Previously hidden behind a false wall southeast from the exit to the level.

  • Devastated by unknown entity/entities.

  • Noises are common when near the false wall.

  • Strange markings on the walls.

Oasis Lyra of the Ofseb (Abandoned)

The History of Level 1

Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)

There is no documentation from this time.

Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)

Back in the early 2000s, Level 1 was referred to as Level 2.

The level was different and much less hospitable than the Level 1 of later cycles.

The U.N.C.B. documentation for the Level 1 of the time can be found here:

Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)

An archive of the M.E.G. documentation from the time can be found here:

Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)

An archive of the M.E.G. documentation from the time can be found here:


Pictures I have no idea sorry!

They are just placeholders until the level is made anyway.


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