'Broken Halls'
'Concrete Dread'
Safety Rating
10 / 10
Entity Count

Level 1.1 is a sub-level located between Level 1 and Level 2. It is possible to access Level 2 through this sub-level.
You can enter this sub-level by entering a derelict brick hallway in Level 1, or by no-clipping though a wall in Level 2.
Level 1.1 is an expansive complex of tile floors and brick hallways. The halls of Level 1.1 are incredibly difficult to navigate due to their shifting geometry. The hallways tend to connect to one another at random. In each hallway, there are doors on either side of the walls, spaced at even intervals. These doors have random numbers written on them and occasionally even letters and symbols. Most of these doors lead to more hallways, but there are reports of the occasional series of rooms.
As you venture deep enough into Level 1.1 and begin approaching Level 2, the environment will transform into an area with thinner corridors, rocky walls and concrete floors. Light will be absent so a torch is required. This area is known as ‘Concrete Dread’, while the main area of Level 1.1 is known as ‘Broken Halls’. The same rules apply to the corridors in this area of Level 1.1. Their geometry will shift, making navigation difficult.
Survival Recommendations
Level 1.1 contains two dangerous entities. The ‘Broken Halls’ section of the level has Facelings, and the ‘Concrete Dread’ section of the level has Smilers.
You can exit Level 1.1 by finding a door labeled ‘1’ in the ‘Broken Halls’ section of the level, or by finding a door labeled ‘2’ in the ‘Concrete Dread’ section of the level.
Refer to the M.E.G. entity newsletter to understand how to deal with potential Faceling and Smiler encounters.
There are no known communities or outposts in Level 1.1.
The History of Level 1.1
Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)
No documentation.
Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)
No documentation.
Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)
No documentation.
Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)
No documentation.