The Backrooms Remodeling Company
The Backrooms Remodeling Company (B.R.C.) is a mysterious and militaristic faction within the Backrooms, consisting of humanoid entities that resemble walking shadows. Their appearance varies from completely human to barely recognizable as alive, with featureless faces, large white circle eyes, and a uniform consisting of a bluish-light grey trench coat, white apron, brown wool pants, black leather rain boots, a black belt, and a military beret with a rank-specific insignia.
Behaviorally, the empolyees of the Backrooms Remodeling Company appear to be in a trance like state where they only focus on their operations within the Backrooms.
Their primary objective is to remodel or improve areas of the Backrooms, often leading to catastrophic results and the creation of sub-levels.
Despite their seemingly good intentions, their actions have resulted in death and disaster.
Communication attempts have proven successful, with high ranking members expressing intellectualism, while lower ranking grunts communicate with a limited vocabulary. They remain secretive of their work however.
The B.R.C. employs Backrooms-specific technology, such as "Reality Fresheners" hung on their belts, which stabilize or utilize the instability of the Backrooms' reality.
The B.R.C. operates with a hierarchical structure resembling militaristic forces in the Frontrooms, with various ranks indicated by the material used for their insignia badge.
Captain (Cap'n): The team leader with the silver insignia
Grunt: A large muscular member with limited vocabulary and speech.
There are no known communities or outposts in Level 0.2.
The B.R.C. was responsible for the creation of Level 0.2.
Level 0.2 was made as an attempt to remodel Level 0 into a more habitable zone. Presently, no members of the B.R.C. remain within Level 0.2.