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'Glitched Halls'

Safety Rating
6 / 10

Entity Count



Level -1 is the first negative level of the Backrooms.


To enter this level, find a region of Level 0 that’s a lot darker than normal and search for a lit corridor with black and white wallpaper.

Level -1 is made up of long hallways with doors on either side, leading to rooms of an unsettling nature.

As you enter the level, the hum-buzz of the lights fades away. A faint piano can be heard playing in the distance no matter where you are. No piano player has ever been located.

Color can be hard to perceive on this level and in certain areas, your vision may be clouded by static.


In certain regions of this level, wanderers have reported visual hallucinations of faceless entities in suits, and auditory hallucinations of their chatter.

Survival Recommendations

This level is the one of the safest Negative Levels discovered so far, but that's not to say it isn't dangerous.


  • Almond Water puddles can be found on the floor, dripping from the ceiling.

  • From this level, it is very easy to slip into Level -2, which is extremely dangerous. It is strongly advised to never go to Level -2. The entrance to Level -2 is noticeable for its sudden shift to blue light.

  • An unknown Entity called 'Nutrisha' can sometimes be found near the entrance to Level -2.


There are no known communities or outposts in Level -1, though there have been several failed attempts to form outposts by M.E.G.

The History of Level -1

Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)

No ASync documentation has been discovered of Level -1 during this cycle, as such, we know nothing of Level -1 during this cycle.

Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)

The U.N.C.B. has no documentation of Level -1, as such, nothing is known about Level -1 during this cycle.

Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)

During this cycle, Level -1 had different properties. The Level -1 of the time consisted of hallways that looped back on themselves, with doors to Level -2, Level 0 and Level 2. There was also the possibility of no-clipping through walls to enter the 'White-Out'.


An archive of the documentation from the time can be found here:

Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)

During this cycle, Level -1 behaved in a similar way to how it behaves in our current cycle, with minor differences such as the levels it is possible to exit into.


An archive of the M.E.G. documentation from the time can be found here:


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