'Corrupted Corridor'
Safety Rating
10 / 10
Entity Count

Level 1.2 is a sub-level of Level 1.
You can enter this sub-level by travelling south of M.E.G. Base Alpha in Level 1. There is a sign posted outside of the entrance.
Level 1.2 is a long, narrow corridor that stretches on for an undetermined distance with the occasional room. Much of the level follows a blue and white color scheme. The walls are made of white painted cinder blocks and the floor is made of blue tiles. Occasionally the walls and ceiling may be damaged, exposing piping and ventilation ducts.
Level 1.2 is abundant in resources with many supply crates scattered throughout the rooms in the level. These crates however will become less frequent the further into the level you go. Many attempts to reach the end of Level 1.2 have been made, but none have succeeded; though there are no known entities in this sub-level, the further you venture down the corridor, the more unstable and dangerous the level will become.
There are five distinct sectors of the tunnel ranging from completely stable to very unstable. The later sectors are extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.
Sector One:
Sector One is the most explored sector of Level 1.2. It is easy to access and has a large amount of resources located in supply crates. The height of the ceiling varies, being anywhere from 7 to 12 feet high, however the width of the hall stays consistent. The humming of fluorescent lighting is present in this sector, much like Level 0.
Sector Two:
While considerably more dangerous and unstable than Sector One, experienced explorers should have no trouble navigating it. Many of the Sector's features are glitched or distorted. If you are in Sector Two or beyond, you can exit the sub-level by finding a wall in a room that lets you no-clip into it. This will lead you back to Level 1.
You may notice the colors of the corridor may change to abnormal hues and pipes and ducts may block parts of the hall. Avoid touching the pipes as they may be hot. Explorers can easily seek shelter in some of the outposts located along the length of this sector.
Sector Three:
Sector Three is very unstable and difficult to navigate. Just a single outpost has been established midway through this sector. Much of this sector is shrouded in darkness however there are occasionally areas of bright light in parts of the sector.
The ceiling in Sector Three is much higher than that of Sectors One and Two, being about 20 feet tall. The width of the corridor can vary, becoming very narrow and fairly wide at random intervals. For unknown reasons, Sector Three exhibits a faint smell of antiseptic not present in other sectors. Much like Sector Two, hot pipes and ducts block parts of the hall, though this is more common in Sector Three. Compared to previous Sectors, supplies will be rare.
Sector Four:
A sign at the end of Sector 3 reads: Warning! Do not pass this point. Death is imminent to all who enter Sector 4. Despite this warning, several explorers have vanished after entering Sector 4.
Sector Four is extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. Upon entering this Sector, you will become anxious and begin experiencing auditory hallucinations. If you spend enough time in this sector, your health will begin to slowly deteriorate and this process will not stop until you leave the sector or die.
Not much is known about this sector, but it takes on a black and white color scheme, and is incredibly unstable.
There are no supplies in this Sector.
Sector Five:
If you venture too deep into Sector Five, you will simply drop dead.
Survival Recommendations
Though there are no known entities in this level, the level itself presents a considerable danger the deeper you go.
You can exit Level 1.2 by walking back the way you came. This will take you back to Level 1.
If you are in Sector Two or beyond, you can exit the sub-level by finding a wall in a room that lets you no-clip into it. This will lead you back to Level 1.
Do not venture beyond Sector Three. You will likely die if you do so.
Several M.E.G. outposts exist in Level 1.2. These outposts are stocked with various supplies and resources for explorers.
The History of Level 0.1
Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)
No documentation.
Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)
No documentation.
Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)
No documentation.
Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)
No documentation.