'Empty Home'
Safety Rating
10 / 10
Entity Count

Level 0.1 is a sub-level of Level 0.
You can enter this sub-level by falling through a hole in the floor on Level 0, or by going down a staircase you find in Level 0.
Level 0.1 is a series of rooms and hallways resembling an empty house. Light varies from room to room with some areas being dimly lit, some being lit with a faint blue light and other areas in complete darkness.
The buzzing of Level 0’s lights can only be heard near the entrances to the sub-level. As you venture deeper into Level 0.1, the sound of the lights is replaced with the sound of an air conditioning system that seems to circulate air throughout the entire sub-level. In some areas of the level, there is a faint humming sound that when heard causes severe anxiety and paranoia.
Level 0.1 is almost entirely empty with the only useful supplies being torch batteries.
Survival Recommendations
Level 0.1 contains an entity known as ‘Alex’. He is a harmless entity with no physical form, but he will follow you wherever you go within Level 0.1.
Alex will speak to you through speakers built into the walls themselves. His robotic voice will follow you into any room with a speaker, and he will speak completely meaningless gibberish to you wherever you go within the Sub-Level. Alex is harmless, though can be irritating to some.
You can exit Level 0.1 by finding a staircase which will lead you back to Level 0.
Alex has been known to lie about you being in danger, sometimes saying things like ‘it knows you’re here’ or ‘it’s coming’. It is assumed Alex does this to scare people out of Level 0.1.
No entities have been discovered in Level 0.1 besides Alex.
There are no known communities or outposts in Level 0.1.
Most people struggle to sleep in Level 0.1 due to Alex.
The History of Level 0.1
Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)
During this cycle, Level 0.1 is known from found footage to of been present in a similar form. Although at this time the level did not include the iconic Alex entity. It is therefore safe to assume Alex originated from another level originally.
Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)
This sub-level was not present during this cycle. It is believed to have shifted to an undocumented part of the backrooms.
Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)
This sub-level was not present during this cycle. It is believed to have shifted to an undocumented part of the backrooms.
Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)
This sub-level was not present during this cycle. It is believed to have shifted to an undocumented part of the backrooms.
Cycle #202 (2027 - Present)
This sub-level reemerged in this cycle, now featuring the entity 'Alex'.