'Abandoned Mansion'
Safety Rating
10 / 10
Entity Count

Level -1.1 is a sub-level of Level -1, located somewhere between Level -1 and Level -2.
You can enter this sub-level by entering a door with an inverted color scheme in Level -1.
Level -1.1 is a mysterious Sub-Level with unusual properties. Similar to Level -1, everything in the level is sepia tone, however, the level itself is inverted so darkness appears light and light appears dark.
The level consists of a series of rooms. The rooms appear to be similar in design to Level -1 except inverted, with white carpets, black walls, and a dark gray ceiling with circular lights that make the room darker. All of the rooms are connected via white-painted doorways that lack actual doors. The piano playing of Level -1 is replaced with the occasional sound of a distant flute. Distorted sound and auditory hallucinations are common.
Survival Recommendations
There are no known entities on Level -1.1 but there have been reports of auditory hallucinations which made wanders paranoid of entities.
You can exit Level -1.1 by finding a black door which will lead you back to Level -1.
You can also exit Level -1.1 by finding an area where the design of the architecture will change. This will lead you into Level -2, which is not recommended.
One of the strange effects of this level is you will become less hungry and thirsty the longer you spend here.
There are no known communities or outposts in Level -1.1.
The History of Level -1.1
Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)
No documentation.
Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)
No documentation.
Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)
No documentation.
Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)
No documentation.