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'Janitor's Mall'

Safety Rating
10 / 10

Entity Count



Level B-1 has the appearance of a never-ending mall, with neon lighting strips lining the roof and sometimes the floor, a series of labyrinthine corridors that resemble the hallways of a shopping center. These lights are known to change color; If the lights are purple, you are safe and no entities will appear. If the lights are yellow something is on its way and you should find somewhere to hide just in case. Most critically, if the lights are very dark red, hide immediately.

There are stores lining the walls of the mall. Most of them have a pull-down iron garage door hiding what's inside. Only a few have been found open, but they are rotten and falling apart. are filled with closed stores, although you can usually find quite lengthy hallways that are recorded to be approximately 100 metres to 10 kilometres in distance. At the end of these corridors are two doors that are labelled with "Male" and "Female", with a faded painted silhouette on each door. Within these doors are typical public bathrooms, although supplies can be found, including: Almond water, knives and magazines. These rooms usually have faint light emitting from an unknown source and has mold on the walls;

Inside, you can find Wormlings, and sometimes Smilers can be seen hiding in the darkness of these stores.

Occasionally one is able to find an open store with the words "Happy Zone" written in large white letters above the entrance. The store is partially empty except for a somewhat rotten wooden table and a metal locker, inside of it you can find bottles of Almond Water and Flashlights

Throughout the level you can find shops of all kinds

level you can find SmilersSkin-StealersStalkers and Hounds, you can sometimes hear the laughter of unknown origin, these seem to be from a little girl, you can also hear almost unintelligible murmurs Coming from an adult male, these sounds along with a series of metallic taps seem to come from inside closed stores

Throughout the place it is possible to find a metal door, which leads to a room full of tables, chairs, candles, torn papers scattered on the floor and pieces of human flesh scattered on the floor and the walls with a putrid smell; Spending an extended period of time exposed to this smell is capable of causing nausea, vomiting, fainting and, in some cases, it is capable of producing hallucinations of animated corps.

is possible to find a large area full of scattered steel tables and chairs. In the center of the area, there is a metal fence surrounding a hole that does not seem to lead anywhere, no explorer has been able to return from said space; The existence of an entity inhabiting the hole is theorized due to a series of grunts and growls that are heard from the hole.

On the tables, that are in this area, you can find empty cups, plastic plates and pizza boxes, these are generally empty, however, sometimes you are able to find pizza in good condition inside the boxes. Although consumption of said food is not advised, due to the presence of bugs including cockroaches, maggots, and flies.

dark, lacking windows, and despite presenting ceiling lamps from time to time, it is recommended to bring a light source to explore the place in detail. It is not recommended to stay on this level for prolonged periods of time.






This level is oddly very clean, due to the The Maintenance Chief entity. The Maintenance Chief wears all green - a green boiler suit, black business shoes, and a green conductor's hat. He is usually a very passive entity                                                                                                                                                                                                  

He walks around with a mop and a bucket full of soapy water, he’ll walk around whistling, keys jingling by his side.

The second exclusive entity of Level 122 is The Sever. He is found working at the food court in this mall, he is dressed in all white clothing, wearing a white button-down shirt, white trousers, and a white sailor's hat, but he doesn’t seem to have a head so the hat just kinda floats there. The Sever is a very passive entity and will not attack unless you don’t pay for your meals, or climb over the counter and walk into the kitchen. The Server will greet you once you walk up to the counter of the food court and he will ask you what you want, if you don’t want anything he’ll tell you to come back whenever you’re hungry or have a question.

There is no exact location of The Food Court, but if you taste watered-down soda and smell pizza, you’re getting close.

  • The Food Court is a place in the Janitor’s Mall where you can stock up on supplies and meet up with other travelers.

  • The Food Court also houses one of the two exclusive entities that live on Level 122 and that is The Server. The Server will provide you with food, Almond Water, rarely clothes, and it’s not unusual if he gives you some Royal Rations, just eat those cautiously, one traveler was found dead shortly after he was given one…

  • The Server is willing to trade at all times, The Server will also ask you if you would like to join his cooking team, if you say yes he will hand you the same clothes he is wearing and will tell you to put them on, once the clothes are on you are forced to help around the kitchen. Forever. If you say no The Server will accept the answer and will kindly keep serving you every time you come back to Level 122.

Survival Recommendations

There are no known entities on Level -1.1 but there have been reports of auditory hallucinations which made wanders paranoid of entities.


  • You can exit Level -1.1 by finding a black door which will lead you back to Level -1.

  • You can also exit Level -1.1 by finding an area where the design of the architecture will change. This will lead you into Level -2, which is not recommended.

  • One of the strange effects of this level is you will become less hungry and thirsty the longer you spend here.


There are no known communities or outposts in Level -1.1.

The History of Level -1.1

Cycle #198 (1987 - 1997)

No documentation. 

Cycle #199 (1997 - 2007)

No documentation. 

Cycle #200 (2007 - 2017)

No documentation. 

Cycle #201 (2017 - 2027)

No documentation. 


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